Posts tagged self growth
Recognizing Our Intrinsic Worth: Flea Market Finds and Self-Value

When browsing through a flea market, we often stumble upon hidden treasures. Among the jumble of knick-knacks and trinkets, we sometimes come across items that catch our eye, items we previously overlooked and dismissed as ordinary. However, it is only when we witness the exorbitant price tag attached to these seemingly insignificant objects that we begin to question their true worth. This intriguing phenomenon can serve as a powerful metaphor for our perception of body image and self-worth. By observing how others value themselves, we can find the courage to embrace our own worth and stop diminishing it.

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Things I've Unlearned

As a boudoir photographer, I’ve had to unlearn many things I’d been taught and shown around body image and our relationship to our bodies, and how that affects the way we move through life. From the toxic beauty industry, to society’s expectations around how our bodies are “supposed” to look, the way the media teaches us that we have to look a certain way to be desirable, the way some groups teach that bodies (especially women’s bodies and queer bodies) are inherently sinful and worthy of shame. There is SO much there to unpack…

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