Posts tagged body acceptance
Stop Comparing Yourself to Yourself!

When we don't regularly see ourselves, especially through kind eyes, we forget what we look like currently. Then when we see an older photo of us, we instantly notice all the differences. We begin comparing ourselves and how our body looks now with how we used to look. We stop wanting to be in photos because we don't want to be reminded of that. We stop looking in the mirror as much. Our mindset shifts and we start internalizing all of our perceived flaws. BUT, we can slowly shift this and reassure ourselves that we are safe and it is ok and natural to change, and our bodies will... because how could you go through this life and all the adventures, love, grief, and evolution without our bodies changing along with us? It's the nature of being alive.

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Bloom || A Group Empowerment Session

Just as flowers bring joy and inspiration to the world, individuals who have bloomed into their own unique beauty can have a profound impact on those around them. We can inspire others through our authenticity, resilience, and the way we embrace our individuality. Our blossoming serves as a reminder that each person has their own journey, their own gifts, and their own path to traverse. This group empowerment session around these ideas was absolutely magical!

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Finding Joy In Our Current Bodies

Let's talk about finding joy in the beautiful vessel that carries us through life – our bodies! It's so easy to get caught up in comparing ourselves to the past or chasing after an idealized version of who we used to be. I’ve done this my whole life - comparing myself and my body now to past (younger/thiner/etc) versions of it. But you know what? Right here, right now, is where our true power lies – in the present moment! I’m so ready to break that cycle, and I hope you are too.

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Recognizing Our Intrinsic Worth: Flea Market Finds and Self-Value

When browsing through a flea market, we often stumble upon hidden treasures. Among the jumble of knick-knacks and trinkets, we sometimes come across items that catch our eye, items we previously overlooked and dismissed as ordinary. However, it is only when we witness the exorbitant price tag attached to these seemingly insignificant objects that we begin to question their true worth. This intriguing phenomenon can serve as a powerful metaphor for our perception of body image and self-worth. By observing how others value themselves, we can find the courage to embrace our own worth and stop diminishing it.

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Things I've Unlearned

As a boudoir photographer, I’ve had to unlearn many things I’d been taught and shown around body image and our relationship to our bodies, and how that affects the way we move through life. From the toxic beauty industry, to society’s expectations around how our bodies are “supposed” to look, the way the media teaches us that we have to look a certain way to be desirable, the way some groups teach that bodies (especially women’s bodies and queer bodies) are inherently sinful and worthy of shame. There is SO much there to unpack…

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Your body doesn't need "fixed"

Take a moment and think about what you've been taught to feel about your body. If uplifting and empowering messaging doesn't immediately come to mind- know that you are not alone. We are taught, from so many sources, the opposite messaging. That our bodies are shameful and in need of constant "fixing," that they aren't worthy of love and desire if they don't fit society's ideal beauty mold. When was the last time you gave yourself the opportunity to just be where you are? To not try and fix what society tells you are flaws, and instead see yourself and your body for the magically unique being that you are? Right here. Right now. How would that feel?

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Unleash Your Wilde

This group empowerment shoot was all about unleashing your wild nature, and it was so magical to see that happen with these beautiful humans! Everyone had so much fun experimenting with fun looks, spending time with each other, and celebrating our wildness! I’m so so thankful to have the opportunity to bring folks together in this way, and to see them fall a little more in love with themselves, and step into their power, throughout the experience.

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Get you a photographer that can do both!

We are all multifaceted creatures, and I believe each aspect of ourselves deserves to be celebrated! And the cool thing is - even when those parts of ourselves are seemingly at odds with each other, there is unique power within each of them! That’s something I absolutely love being able photograph and witness. I never want to put your into a “one size fits all” box - your session is about YOU. Want some neon lights and edgy vibes? Let’s do it. Wanna rock a jacket instead of only lingerie? Hell yes! Want to embrace your softness and feminine energy as well? Let’s make that happen too! Don’t be afraid to embrace your unique magic!

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+ Melanie +

“From the beginning of my session Amy made me feel completely comfortable. I suffer from chronic illness/pain and she was constantly checking in, making sure I was okay during the poses. I had the most wonderful time and it made me truly appreciate all the amazing things my body can still do!” -Melanie

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