Posts tagged all bodies are good bodies
Stop Comparing Yourself to Yourself!

When we don't regularly see ourselves, especially through kind eyes, we forget what we look like currently. Then when we see an older photo of us, we instantly notice all the differences. We begin comparing ourselves and how our body looks now with how we used to look. We stop wanting to be in photos because we don't want to be reminded of that. We stop looking in the mirror as much. Our mindset shifts and we start internalizing all of our perceived flaws. BUT, we can slowly shift this and reassure ourselves that we are safe and it is ok and natural to change, and our bodies will... because how could you go through this life and all the adventures, love, grief, and evolution without our bodies changing along with us? It's the nature of being alive.

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Spicy Selfie Classes Are Here!

Get some of your favorite people together and come have some fun at my East Nashville studio and learn all about how to up your spicy selfie game! It’s time to be your own muse!

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Bloom || A Group Empowerment Session

Just as flowers bring joy and inspiration to the world, individuals who have bloomed into their own unique beauty can have a profound impact on those around them. We can inspire others through our authenticity, resilience, and the way we embrace our individuality. Our blossoming serves as a reminder that each person has their own journey, their own gifts, and their own path to traverse. This group empowerment session around these ideas was absolutely magical!

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Recognizing Our Intrinsic Worth: Flea Market Finds and Self-Value

When browsing through a flea market, we often stumble upon hidden treasures. Among the jumble of knick-knacks and trinkets, we sometimes come across items that catch our eye, items we previously overlooked and dismissed as ordinary. However, it is only when we witness the exorbitant price tag attached to these seemingly insignificant objects that we begin to question their true worth. This intriguing phenomenon can serve as a powerful metaphor for our perception of body image and self-worth. By observing how others value themselves, we can find the courage to embrace our own worth and stop diminishing it.

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+ Beth +

I had such a wonderful time working with Beth at her boudoir session. (And it was my first session in my new studio!!) As we chatted about her session, I asked her how she wanted to feel during her session, and when she looks at her photos. She said she wanted to feel joyful, confidant, and beautiful in her own body exactly as it is right now. We led with these feelings and intentions and embraced them throughout her session. I loved seeing Beth lean into these emotions, and embrace the full experience!

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Thank You 2022!

Each and every one of the incredible humans I’ve had the chance to meet and work with this year has taught me something. Each time someone trusts me to capture special moments for them, to be there during vulnerable experiences, to see them in their truth, and to celebrate themselves exactly where they are – is such a powerful gift.

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Our Relationship With Our Bellies

The main body image hang-ups that I've encountered with folks, and with myself, are so often around bellies. We hold so much power and strength in this area, yet we relentlessly tell it it's not "good" because it doesn't look a certain way. But here's a reminder : bellies aren't good or bad...they are simply bellies. Your belly doesn't hold moral worth, the way it looks doesn't make you a good or bad person, it doesn't make you more or less capable of experiencing desire or pleasure simply because of how it looks, and it definitely is not worthy of the shame that we so often carry around it.

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Your body doesn't need "fixed"

Take a moment and think about what you've been taught to feel about your body. If uplifting and empowering messaging doesn't immediately come to mind- know that you are not alone. We are taught, from so many sources, the opposite messaging. That our bodies are shameful and in need of constant "fixing," that they aren't worthy of love and desire if they don't fit society's ideal beauty mold. When was the last time you gave yourself the opportunity to just be where you are? To not try and fix what society tells you are flaws, and instead see yourself and your body for the magically unique being that you are? Right here. Right now. How would that feel?

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+ Jessica +

This babe has supported me and my business since day one. She has been down for so many crazy concepts and shoots over the years I can’t even count. She is one of my favorite people to photograph (and one of my top favorite people in the world just generally) and it felt so good to create with her again!

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+ Laura +

“During the shoot, Amy was very encouraging and kept reassuring me that I was gorgeous and the photos were beautiful. When she showed me the images during the reveal, I was shocked. I was like, “ Damn! who’s that girl?!?” She captured a beautiful me and not the sad, ashamed me who hides from the camera.” -Laura

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