Posts tagged healing journey
Exploring Mental Health With Portraits

This beautiful human reached out to me recently to book a session to creatively explore and express her struggles with mental illness. We collaborated to find ways to visually express the feelings she carries. I'm so thankful for her trust in me through the process, and I’m so in love with the art we created.

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Our Relationship With Our Bellies

The main body image hang-ups that I've encountered with folks, and with myself, are so often around bellies. We hold so much power and strength in this area, yet we relentlessly tell it it's not "good" because it doesn't look a certain way. But here's a reminder : bellies aren't good or bad...they are simply bellies. Your belly doesn't hold moral worth, the way it looks doesn't make you a good or bad person, it doesn't make you more or less capable of experiencing desire or pleasure simply because of how it looks, and it definitely is not worthy of the shame that we so often carry around it.

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